Catching up with 3 VFX Escapees!

Escape Studios just caught up with 3 former VFX students who have been working in the industry for a little more than a year now.

We were curious to hear about their experience in the professional world so far, and about their time at Escape.

We met at their workplace, the leading Visual Effects company ETC (Electric Theatre Collective).

Watch the video interview below:

VFX Rising Stars

Aidan, Alberto and Scott graduated from Escape in Visual Effects in 2022 and immediately went off to work for ETC as CG Generalist, Junior FX Artist and Nuke Compositor, respectively.

They approached the market with very strong showreels, carefully crafted while studting at Escape. The effort promptly paid off and the 3 friends found themselves snatched by ETC within weeks of graduation.

A year on, these VFX rising stars proudly speak of their achievement but also of a sense of confidence, responsability and humility which their daily work provides.

Our 3 Escapees are already behind major campaigns such as CocaCola and Apple. Check their profiles and professional journey:

Aidan Callaghan, CG Generalist
Alberto Scotti, Junior FX Artist
Scott Middleton, Nuke Compositor

Electric Theatre Collective

ETC or Electric Theatre Collective is a leading visual effect company based in London since 2011.

It defines itself as “an exciting young company with a passion for new ideas, creativity and, above all, people. […] A collective in every sense, Electric Theatre is founded on people, both inside and outside our office walls, giving us the friendly intimacy of a small company with the big creative muscle of an industry giant.”

Escape Studios VFX Courses

If you’re interested in similar careers, do check out our Visual Effects courses:

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