VFX Compositing Students Working on ‘Oceans Playbook’ an independent short film

VFX Compositing Students from BA The Art of VFX – Compositing Year3, MA VFX Production (Compositing) and the Evening Compositing for VFX Course have been working on ‘Oceans Playbook’ a fabulous short film Directed by Sam Dawes who is also a Nuke Artist and a former Head of Roto/Prep at ILM.

In Sam’s words: “’Ocean’s Playbook’ is a passionate homage to Ocean’s Eleven, with a sci-fi twist, that explores sibling rivalry and nostalgia. The project is extremely ambitious, drawing in extraordinary talent from multiple areas of the industry, all coming together to create something simply for the fun of it.”

Escape Studios students have contributed rotoscoping work to the project using Boris FX Silhouette – the industry standard and most amazing software for Rotoscoping that is being constantly updated with new features.

At Escape Studios we love supporting independent film makers who are creating visually stunning films but have no budget to complete the VFX. It gives our students the opportunity to develop their skills to the industry standard. Students get to interact with the client and get familiar with the industry workflows. They also gain a credit on the project and get a Festival circuit exposure.

We are very much looking forward to the film release and will give you an update as soon as the film trailer is available.

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